Celebrities Born on June 1st

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on June 1st. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Adam Garcia
Born: June 1st 1973 in Wahroonga, Australia
Alanis Morissette
Born: June 1st 1974 in Ottawa, Canada
Amy Schumer
Born: June 1st 1981 in Manhattan, United States
Andy Griffith
Born: June 1st 1926 in Mount Airy, United States
Bob Monkhouse
Born: June 1st 1928 in Beckenham, England
Brian Cox
Born: June 1st 1946 in Dundee, Scotland
Charlie Evans
Born: June 1st 1995 in Byron Bay, Australia
Craig Olejnik
Born: June 1st 1979 in Halifax, Canada
Danielle Harris
Born: June 1st 1977 in Plainview, United States
Diana Canova
Born: June 1st 1953 in West Palm Beach, United States
Frank Morgan
Born: June 1st 1890 in New York City, United States
Frank Whittle
Born: June 1st 1907 in Coventry, England
Gareth Edwards
Born: June 1st 1975 in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Heidi Klum
Born: June 1st 1973 in Bergisch-Gladbach, West Germany
Hollis Resnik
Born: June 1st 1957 in Euclid, United States
Jason Donovan
Born: June 1st 1968 in Malvern, Australia
Joan Copeland
Born: June 1st 1922 in New York City, United States
John Moore
Born: June 1st 1970 in Dundalk, Ireland
Johnny Pemberton
Born: June 1st 1981 in Rochester, United States
Jonathan Pryce
Born: June 1st 1947 in Holywell, Wales
Kate Magowan
Born: June 1st 1975 in Harrow, England
Kyla Wayans
Born: June 1st 1991 in Los Angeles, United States
Lee Cronin
Born: June 1st 1973 in Dublin, Ireland
Lynn Collins
Born: June 1st 1979 in Houston, United States
Marilyn Monroe
Born: June 1st 1926 in Los Angeles, United States
Michael Chieffo
Born: June 1st 1951 in Huntington, United States
Morgan Freeman
Born: June 1st 1937 in Memphis, United States
Paula Malcomson
Born: June 1st 1970 in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Rene Auberjonois
Born: June 1st 1940 in New York City, United States
Rick Gomez
Born: June 1st 1972 in Bayonne, United States
Ronnie Dunn
Born: June 1st 1953 in Coleman, United States
Ronnie Wood
Born: June 1st 1947 in Hillingdon, England
Sarah Wayne Callies
Born: June 1st 1977 in La Grange, United States
Sylvia Hoeks
Born: June 1st 1983 in Maarheeze, Netherlands
Taylor Handley
Born: June 1st 1984 in Santa Barbara, United States
Teri Polo
Born: June 1st 1969 in Dover, United States
Tom Holland
Born: June 1st 1996 in London, England
Tony Snow
Born: June 1st 1955 in Berea, United States

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