Celebrities Born on April 16th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on April 16th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Anya Taylor-Joy
Born: April 16th 1996 in Miami, United States
Barbara O. Jones
Born: April 16th 2024 in Dayton, United States
Barry Nelson
Born: April 16th 1917 in San Francisco, United States
Belinda Stewart-Wilson
Born: April 16th 1971 in London, England
Billy West
Born: April 16th 1950 in Detroit, United States
Cassandra Naud
Born: April 16th 1992 in Fort McMurray, Canada
Charlie Chaplin
Born: April 16th 1889 in Walworth, England
Claire Foy
Born: April 16th 1984 in Stockport, England
David Graf
Born: April 16th 1950 in Lancaster, United States
Dusty Springfield
Born: April 16th 1939 in West Hampton, London, England
Edie Adams
Born: April 16th 1927 in Kingston, United States
Ellen Barkin
Born: April 16th 1954 in New York City, United States
Frank Williams
Born: April 16th 1942 in South Shields, England
Gina Carano
Born: April 16th 1982 in Dallas County, United States
Herbie Mann
Born: April 16th 1930 in New York City, United States
Jon Cryer
Born: April 16th 1965 in New York City, United States
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Born: April 16th 1947 in New York City, United States
Liliana Mumy
Born: April 16th 1994 in San Marcos, United States
Lisette Olivera
Born: April 16th 1999 in Los Angeles, United States
Lorraine Nicholson
Born: April 16th 1990 in Los Angeles, United States
Lukas Haas
Born: April 16th 1976 in West Hollywood, United States
Martin Lawrence
Born: April 16th 1965 in Frankfurt, Germany
Max Beesley
Born: April 16th 1971 in Burnage, England
Peter Billingsley
Born: April 16th 1971 in New York City, United States
Peter Ustinov
Born: April 16th 1921 in London, England
Ruth Madoc
Born: April 16th 1943 in Norwich, Norfolk, England
Sadie Sink
Born: April 16th 2002 in Brenham, United States
Sean Maher
Born: April 16th 1975 in Pleasantville, United States
Born: April 16th 1971 in Lake Jackson, United States
Spike Milligan
Born: April 16th 1918 in Ahmednagar, India
Wilbur Wright
Born: April 16th 1867 in Millville, United States

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