Celebrities Born on August 28th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on August 28th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alana Thompson
Born: August 28th 2005 in McIntyre, United States
Amanda Tapping
Born: August 28th 1965 in Rochford, England
Armie Hammer
Born: August 28th 1986 in Los Angeles, United States
Billy Boyd
Born: August 28th 1968 in Glasgow, Scotland
Brian Thompson
Born: August 28th 1959 in Ellensburg, United States
Bruno Nuytten
Born: August 28th 1945 in Melun, France
C. Wright Mills
Born: August 28th 1916 in Waco, United States
Carly Pope
Born: August 28th 1980 in Vancouver, Canada
Cassadee Pope
Born: August 28th 1989 in West Palm Beach, United States
Charles Rocket
Born: August 28th 1949 in Bangor, United States
Daniel Stern
Born: August 28th 1957 in Bethesda, United States
David Fincher
Born: August 28th 1962 in Denver, United States
David Soul
Born: August 28th 1943 in Chicago, United States
Donald O’Connor
Born: August 28th 1925 in Chicago, United States
Emma Samms
Born: August 28th 1960 in London, England
J. August Richards
Born: August 28th 1973 in Washington, United States
Jack Black 2006
Jack Black
Born: August 28th 1969 in Hermosa Beach, United States
Jack Kirby
Born: August 28th 1917 in New York City, United States
Jason Priestley
Born: August 28th 1969 in Vancouver, Canada
Jennifer Coolidge
Born: August 28th 1961 in Boston, United States
Kay Parker
Born: August 28th 1944 in Birmingham, England
Kelly Overton
Born: August 28th 1978 in Wilbraham, United States
Ken Jenkins
Born: August 28th 1940 in Dayton, United States
Kirby Morrow
Born: August 28th 1973 in Jasper, Canada
Kyle Massey
Born: August 28th 1991 in Atlanta, United States
LeAnn Rimes
Born: August 28th 1982 in Jackson, United States
Luis Guzmán
Born: August 28th 1956 in Cayey, United States
Marla Adams
Born: August 28th 1938 in Ocean City, United States
Rick Rossovich
Born: August 28th 1957 in Palo Alto, United States
Roxie Roker
Born: August 28th 1929 in Miami, United States
Shane Van Dyke
Born: August 28th 1979 in Los Angeles, United States
Steffiana De La Cruz
Born: August 28th 1974 in New York City, United States
Tony Barry
Born: August 28th 1941 in Ipswich, Australia

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