Celebrities Who Are/Were Cartoonists

This is a summary list of the celebrities in our Cartoonist category. Browse our thousands of obituaries and find the Cartoonist who died today, yesterday, this week, this year or those who passed away recently.

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Al Jaffee
Born: January 13th 1921 in Savannah, United States
Charles M. Schulz
Born: November 26th 1922 in Minneapolis, United States
Dale Messick
Born: April 11th 1906 in South Bend, United States
Hank Ketcham
Born: March 14th 1920 in Seattle, United States
Jack Kirby
Born: August 28th 1917 in New York City, United States
Lee Falk
Born: April 28th 1911 in St. Louis, United States
Matt Groening
Born: February 15th 1954 in Portland, United States
Mike Judge
Born: October 17th 1962 in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Mort Walker
Born: September 3rd 1923 in El Dorado, United States
Russell Brand
Born: June 4th 1975 in Grays, England
Steve Ditko
Born: November 2nd 1927 in Johnstown, United States

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