Celebrities Who Are/Were Clergy

This is a summary list of the celebrities in our Clergy category. Browse our thousands of obituaries and find the Clergy who died today, yesterday, this week, this year or those who passed away recently.

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Al Sharpton
Born: October 3rd 1954 in Brooklyn, United States
Baba Vanga
Born: October 3rd 1911 in Strumica, Macedonia
Benny Hinn
Born: December 3rd 1952 in Jaffa, Israel
Billy Graham
Born: November 7th 1918 in Charlotte, United States
Ernest Angley
Born: August 9th 1921 in Gastonia, United States
Jerry Falwell
Born: August 11th 1933 in Lynchburg, United States
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Born: January 12th 1917 in Jabalpur, India
Mother Teresa
Born: August 25th 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia
Pope John Paul II
Born: May 18th 1920 in Wadowice, Poland
Wayne Bent
Born: May 18th 1941 in Austin, United States

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