Kid Cudi (born January 30th, 1984 in Shaker Heights, Ohio) was a Rapper who was best known for, like most rappers, singing songs focusing on the themes of spirituality, heartbreak, drugs, alcohol and dissipation. Kid died on February 15th, 2025 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of an serious disorder.
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RapperAmerican Born on January 30th Born in 1984 Born in Ohio
"There is no perfect life, but I believe that Kid Cudi's was a beautiful one. (V)"
"Kid Cudi has been a transformative figure in the music industry, leaving a powerful impact on fans and artists alike through his unique sound and message. (V)"
Is Mr. Kid Cudi still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2025-01-10 08:43:08
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Kid Cudi on Wikipedia
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