Lucy Brown (born February 13th, 1979 in Crawley, England) was a TV-Actress who was best known for being on an American TV show "Primeval". Lucy died on February 10th, 2025 (TBV) and her death was possibly because of a high speed lawn mowing accident.
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TV ActressFilm Actress British Born on February 13th Born in 1979
"When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."
"I didn't know much about life in the home office, which isn't surprising considering I'm an actress, so I asked around all my friends and friends of friends and eventually was introduced to a girl called Parna. We'd never met but she phoned and said I should meet her at her work and she'd show me around. I asked her where that was and she said "Number 10". She was working on Tony Blair's diary at the time, so that day I showed up and had the very good fortune to be taken around 10 Downing Street. I think that was the best research experience I've ever had! I based a lot of the character in the show on her." (IMDB)
"Lucy Brown was a beautiful and vibrant young woman who died at the age of 26 after a long and healthy life. (V)"
"Lucy Brown's life was filled with joy, kindness, and a contagious laughter that touched the hearts of everyone she met. Even in her passing, her memory will continue to bring light and love to those who knew her. (V)"
Is Ms. Lucy Brown still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2023-11-13 13:40:40
Author: Tucker
Confirmation: Lucy Brown on Wikipedia
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