Alton Powers (born February 13th, 1949 in Yonkers, New York) was an TV Actor who was best known for playing Keith Anderson on the American 1970s TV show "Good Times". Ben died on April 6th, 2015 and his death was reportedly because of liver cancer. He was 64 when he died.
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TV ActorAmerican Born on February 13th Born in 1949 Born in New York Died in 2015 Died at age 66 Died from Liver cancer
"Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind."
"Alton Powers lived a vibrant and impactful life, leaving behind a legacy of kindness, resilience, and unwavering determination that will never be forgotten. (V)"
Is Mr. Alton Powers still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-02-28 16:43:04
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Ben Powers on Wikipedia
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