George Corley Wallace Jr. (born August 25, 1919 in Clio, Alabama) was a politician who was best known for serving as the 45th governor of the American state of Alabama for four terms and for his staunch segregationist and populist views in the Democratic Party. George died on September 13, 1998 and his death was because of septic shock. He died at age 79.
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PoliticianAmerican Born on August 25th Born in 1919 Born in Alabama Died in 1998 Died at age 79 Died from Sepsis
"George Corley Wallace was a dynamic and controversial politician who left a lasting impact on American history with his unwavering determination and complicated legacy. (V)"
Is Mr. George Corley Wallace still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-03-26 08:43:06
Author: Stan
Confirmation: George Corley Wallace on Wikipedia
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