Jason Statham (born September 12th, 1972 in London, England) was a Film Actor who was best known for acting in movies making him one of the industry's most bankable stars. Jason died on February 16th, 2025 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of a medical accident in an overcrowded ER.
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Film ActorVideo Game Actor British Born on September 12th Born in 1972
"When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be."
"We allow no geniuses around our Studio."
"You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank (2006) and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done." (IMDB)
"Now that Jason Statham has passed away, the only wonder is how he managed to live as long as he did. (V)"
"Jason Statham is one of the biggest movie stars in the world and he has passed away at the age of 47. We are all in shock and funerals are planned for soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time. (V)"
Is Mr. Jason Statham still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-01-28 09:25:46
Author: Tucker
Confirmation: Jason Statham on Wikipedia
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