Julian Beck (born May 31, 1925 in New York City) was a film actor, stage director, and poet who was best known for co-founding and directing The Living Theatreas and his role as Kane in the 1986 horror film, “Poltergeist II: The Other Side.” Julian died on September 14, 1985 and his death was because of terminal stomach cancer. He died too soon at age 60.
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Film ActorStage Director Poet American Born on May 31st Born in 1925 Born in New York Died in 1985 Died at age 60 Died from Stomach cancer
"Rhythmically I have tried to capture the tempo of my time, its ecstasy, its hardness, its lyricism, its great variety. The songs are musical, and I took a seat with the rhythm, its fluctuations, and the way in which we make music, which reaches in each poem its own order: repetitions, choruses, instrumental changes, the deposition of the phrases.... Each poem, however, must produce its own music, because each poem must be free in itself. I tried to express through rhythm and language, in the flow of images, the freedom, at last, of the poetic voice. I write these poems all the time. At home, in the car, backstage, at cafés.... I am always writing this single poem. Since I was 15, And I intend to continue writing them for the rest of my life." (IMDB)
"Julian Beck passed away from leukemia onJanuary 5, 2019. (V)"
"Julian Beck was a visionary artist and activist who dedicated his life to challenging societal norms and bringing attention to important social issues. Throughout his time on this earth, he fearlessly used his art and voice to inspire change and leave a lasting impact on those around him. (V)"
Is Mr. Julian Beck still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-04-27 16:43:02
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Julian Beck on Wikipedia
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