Laura San Giacomo (born November 14th, 1962 in Hoboken, New Jersey) was a Film Actress who was best known for her role as Cynthia in the American film "Sex, Lies, and Videotape". Laura died recently and her death was possibly because of a rabid dog bite.
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Film ActressAmerican Born on November 14th Born in 1962 Born in New Jersey
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. "
"I knew that I wanted to be an actor. Then it became about whether acting wanted me. So, I gave it a shot. It hasn't worked out too bad, so far." (IMDB)
"In her short life, Laura San Giacomo left a monumental impact on many. She was a devoted sister, a loving mother, and a dedicated artist. She will be remembered for her vast contributions to her community and for the joy she brought to everyone she met. Thank you, Laura, for your amazing life and for your Sheridan-born slayings. You will be missed more than you can imagine. (V)"
Is Ms. Laura San Giacomo still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2023-09-30 16:43:07
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Laura San Giacomo on Wikipedia
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