Celebrities Born on November 14th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on November 14th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Astrid Lindgren
Born: November 14th 1907 in Vimmerby, Sweden
Brian Dietzen
Born: November 14th 1977 in Barrington, United States
Brian Gleeson
Born: November 14th 1987 in Dublin, Ireland
Brian Keith
Born: November 14th 1921 in Bayonne, United States
Brooke Satchwell
Born: November 14th 1980 in Melbourne, Australia
Condoleezza Rice
Born: November 14th 1954 in Birmingham, United States
D B Sweeney
Born: November 14th 1961 in Shoreham, United States
David Moscow
Born: November 14th 1974 in New York City, United States
Dick Powell
Born: November 14th 1904 in Mountain View, United States
Dimitri Leonidas
Born: November 14th 1987 in Brent, England
George Smathers
Born: November 14th 1913 in Atlantic City, United States
Harland Williams
Born: November 14th 1962 in Toronto, Canada
Hussein of Jordon
Born: November 14th 1935 in Amman, Jordon
Ivanna Sakhno
Born: November 14th 1997 in Kyiv, Ukraine
Janine Lindemulder
Born: November 14th 1968 in La Mirada, United States
John Rigas
Born: November 14th 1924 in Wellsville, United States
Josh Duhamel
Born: November 14th 1972 in Minot, United States
King Charles III
Born: November 14th 1948 in Buckingham Palace, London, England
Laura San Giacomo
Born: November 14th 1962 in Hoboken, United States
McLean Stevenson
Born: November 14th 1927 in Normal, United States
Michala Banas
Born: November 14th 1978 in Wellington, New Zealand
Olga Kurylenko
Born: November 14th 1979 in Berdyansk, Ukraine
Patrick Warburton
Born: November 14th 1964 in Paterson, United States
Rosemary DeCamp
Born: November 14th 1910 in Prescott, United States
Russell Tovey
Born: November 14th 1981 in Billericay Essex, England
Sandahl Bergman
Born: November 14th 1951 in Kansas City, United States
Travis Barker
Born: November 14th 1975 in Fontana, United States
Veronica Lake
Born: November 14th 1919 in Brooklyn, United States
Walter Olkewicz
Born: November 14th 1948 in Bayonne, United States

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