Sylvia Striplin (born March 23rd, 1954 in New York, New York) was a Singer who was best known for musical skills. Sylvia died on March 2nd, 2013 and her death was because of a terminal sickness. She was 58 years old.
Please help us remember the life of Sylvia Striplin by contributing to her obituary, her family tree, funeral, burial, her birth, family, career and death in the sections below.
SingerJazz Music Genre American Born on March 23rd Born in 1954 Born in New York Died in 2013 Died at age 58 Died from Unspecified illness
"Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection."
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last."
"I've managed to be able to morph myself into a two headed zebra. At least my stripes look normal on me."
"Sylvia Striplin was born on July 29, 1889, in northeastern Indiana. She moved to Terre Haute, Indiana, at the age of 10, and was the only girl in her class. She worked at a lace factory and studied piano under the guidance of her friend, the composer Elisabeth Lortzing. In 1916, she married the composer and pianist George Striplin. They had one child, monogrammed “S.S.” after their son. Striplin died in 1990. (V)"
"Sylvia Striplin lived a life filled with passion for music, inspiring countless listeners with her soulful voice and leaving an enduring legacy that continues to touch hearts even after her passing. (V)"
Is Ms. Sylvia Striplin still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 3 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-09-24 17:10:40
Author: Tucker
Confirmation: Sylvia Striplin on Wikipedia
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