Terry Kinney (born January 29th, 1954 in Lincoln, Illinois) was an Film Director who was best known for acting as Tim McManus in the prison drama "Oz". Terry died on February 10th, 2025 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of a accidental poisoning.
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Film DirectorAmerican Born on January 29th Born in 1954 Born in Illinois
"Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning."
"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?"
"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself."
"Our love is like a song but you won't sing along."
"Terry Kinney- a beloved community member, passed away peacefully on October 10, 2018. A Loss We Cannot fathom. (V)"
"Terry Kinney's life was filled with passion, talent, and a deep love for his craft, leaving a lasting impact on the world even after his passing. (V)"
Is Mr. Terry Kinney still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 3 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2025-01-21 00:43:06
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Terry Kinney on Wikipedia
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