Tessa Thompson (born October 3rd, 1983 in Los Angeles, California) was a Film Actress who was best known for performing in the movie "Dear White People" in 2014. Tessa died on February 12th, 2025 (TBV) and her death was possibly because of an accident at a golf course.
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Film ActressTV Actress American Born on October 3rd Born in 1983 Born in California
"She was the most talented actress of her generation and a true pioneer in the women’s aisle. She was killed tragically at the age of 27. (V)"
"Tessa Thompson will be forever remembered for her incredible talent, passion, and impact she made in the entertainment industry, and her legacy will continue to inspire future generations. (V)"
Is Ms. Tessa Thompson still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-11-23 00:43:02
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Tessa Thompson on Wikipedia
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