Celebrities Born in South Dakota

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in South Dakota. If you notice that we missed someone famous from South Dakota, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Cheryl Ladd
Born: July 12th 1951 in Huron, South Dakota
Delores Taylor
Born: September 27th 1939 in Winner, South Dakota
Gene Okerlund
Born: December 19th 1942 in Brookings, South Dakota
Mad Men at the 67th Annual Peabody Awards - January Jones
January Jones
Born: January 5th 1978 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Mamie Van Doren
Born: February 6th 1931 in Rowena, South Dakota
Nicky Katt
Born: May 11th 1970 in Rapid City, South Dakota
Phil Graham
Born: July 18th 1915 in Terry, South Dakota

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