Andrew Davis (born November 21st, 1946 in Chicago, Illinois) was an Film Director who was best known for making movies such as "Under Siege". Andrew died on September 9th, 2024 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of a persistent sickness.
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Film DirectorAmerican Born on November 21st Born in 1946 Born in Illinois
"You don't know, oh, oh You don't know you're beautiful."
"I take great pride in the artistic development of cartoons. Our characters are made to go through emotions."
"[about working with Steven Seagal on Under Siege (1992) and Above the Law (1988)] I worked with him twice. The first time he was a puppy dog. We had worked on the story together and he was very open to trying things. And then by the time "Under Siege" came along he'd done three or four movies and he was a bit of a star. Bear in mind, he was really only in "Under Siege" for 41 minutes. It was Tommy Lee Jones most of the time. But yeah, he's good." (IMDB)
"Andrew was an amazing person who always put others before himself and he will be sorely missed. (V)"
"Andrew Davis lived a life full of passion, kindness, and unwavering strength, leaving an inspiring mark on all those who had the privilege of knowing him. (V)"
Is Mr. Andrew Davis still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-07-21 08:43:05
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Andrew Davis on Wikipedia
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