Barry Van Dyke (born July 31st, 1951 in Atlanta, Georgia) was a TV Actor who was best known or his role as sexy Steve Sloan on the American TV series "Diagnosis: Murder". His famous father, Dick Van Dyke, also an actor, starred along with Barry as Mark Sloan on that show.
Barry died on February 16th, 2025 (TBV) and his death may be because of a short but serious infection in his abdomen. He was 73 when he passed on. Details of his death and funeral were not released but leaked details are being confirmed.
A very somber and weepy wake is scheduled for next week near the cemetery in Barry's home town of Atlanta. The service will commence at 2PM with a lovely reception to follow hosted by his older sister at the chapel where refreshments will be served. All are welcome to the visitation to be held at cemetery at 3PM.
This wiki article is a work in progress and may be premature.
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TV ActorFilm Actor American Born on July 31st Born in 1951 Born in Georgia
"I have spent all my life in the shadow of my big brother Dick. When a Dick is so massive that you cannot get out of the shadow you know you need to suck it up and show what you are made of."
"The time I fell asleep on the bus to the mall was one of my lowest personal moments. I sat there and I thought, wow, that moment really meant I have some serious issues."
Is Mr. Barry Van Dyke still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
Tticia: What a beautiful man.
OlgaBagley: Why do you do that you said that. Actor. Barry van dyke has pass now that me heart is beating again why you saying Hollywood stars that died & In. Fact. THEY ARE. Still. Breathing you’re all are Suck liars
Linda Kelly: SO sorry for your loss he was a fantastic actor and a very handsome man, sending Prayers to your family and friends.
Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-01-15 12:22:06
Author: Tucker
Confirmation: Barry Van Dyke on Wikipedia
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