Sydney Irwin Pollack (born July 1, 1934 in Lafayette, Indiana) was a film director, film producer, and film actor who was best known for directing 20 films and 10 TV shows. he also acted in over 30 movies or shows and produced over 44 films during his career. He was also well known for directing the 1985 film, “Out of Africa.” Sydney died on May 26, 2008 and his death was because of stomach cancer. He died at age 73.
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Film DirectorFilm Producer Film Actor American Born on July 1st Born in 1934 Born in Indiana Died in 2008 Died at age 73 Died from Stomach cancer
"[on his favorite area of the filmmaking process] Editing, because I'm alone and there isn't the necessity of having to organize so many people. Editing feels almost like sculpting or a form of continuing the writing process." (IMDB)
"Sydney Pollack's extraordinary life and impactful contributions to the film industry will forever be remembered and celebrated by countless people. (V)"
Is Mr. Sydney Pollack still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-04-10 08:43:02
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Sydney Pollack on Wikipedia
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