Celebrities Born on July 4th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on July 4th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Andrea Gabriel
Born: July 4th 1978 in Los Angeles, United States
Becki Newton
Born: July 4th 1978 in New Haven, United States
Calvin Coolidge
Born: July 4th 1872 in Plymouth, United States
Carrie Keagan
Born: July 4th 1980 in Buffalo, United States
Eppie Lederer
Born: July 4th 1918 in Sioux City, United States
Eva Marie Saint
Born: July 4th 1924 in Newark, United States
George Steinbrenner
Born: July 4th 1930 in Rocky River, United States
Geraldo Rivera
Born: July 4th 1943 in Brooklyn, United States
Gina Lollobrigida
Born: July 4th 1927 in Subiaco, Italy
Gloria Stuart
Born: July 4th 1910 in Santa Monica, United States
Leona Helmsley
Born: July 4th 1920 in Marbletown, United States
Marnie McPhail
Born: July 4th 1966 in Columbus, United States
Melissa Barrera
Born: July 4th 1990 in Monterrey, Mexico
Post Malone
Born: July 4th 1995 in Syracuse, United States
Steven Cojocaru
Born: July 4th 1970 in Montreal, Canada
Tracy Letts
Born: July 4th 1965 in Tulsa, United States
Zoe Naylor
Born: July 4th 1997 in Sydney, Australia

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