Celebrities Born on August 20th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on August 20th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Al Roker
Born: August 20th 1954 in Queens, United States
Amy Adams
Born: August 20th 1974 in Vicenza, Italy
Andrew Garfield
Born: August 20th 1983 in Los Angeles, United States
Ben Barnes
Born: August 20th 1981 in London, England
Billy Gardell
Born: August 20th 1969 in Pittsburgh, United States
David O Russell
Born: August 20th 1958 in New York City, United States
David Walliams
Born: August 20th 1971 in Surrey, England
Demi Lovato
Born: August 20th 1992 in Dallas, United States
Don King
Born: August 20th 1931 in Cleveland, United States
Eddie Paskey
Born: August 20th 1939 in Dover, United States
Giorgia Whigham
Born: August 20th 1997 in New York City, United States
Isaac Hayes
Born: August 20th 1942 in Covington, United States
James Marsters
Born: August 20th 1962 in Greenville, United States
Joan Allen
Born: August 20th 1956 in Rochelle, United States
John Noble
Born: August 20th 1948 in Port Pirie, Australia
Jonathan Ke Quan
Born: August 20th 1971 in Saigon, Vietnam
Ke Huy Quan
Born: August 20th 1971 in Saigon, Vietnam
Kristen Miller
Born: August 20th 1976 in Manhattan Beach, United States
Laura Donnelly
Born: August 20th 1982 in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Liana Liberato
Born: August 20th 1995 in Galveston, United States
Malia Arrayah
Born: August 20th 1990 in Daly City, United States
Misha Collins
Born: August 20th 1974 in Greenfield, United States
Patrick Kilpatrick
Born: August 20th 1949 in Orange, United States
Ray Wise
Born: August 20th 1947 in Akron, United States
Rebecca Casiraghi
Born: August 20th 1993 in Catania, Italy
Ron Paul
Born: August 20th 1935 in Pittsburgh, United States
Slobodan Milošević
Born: August 20th 1941 in Požarevac, Serbia

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