Celebrities Born on January 28th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on January 28th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alan Alda 2015
Alan Alda
Born: January 28th 1936 in New York City, United States
Annie Wersching
Born: January 28th 1977 in St. Louis, United States
Ariel Winter
Born: January 28th 1998 in Los Angeles, United States
Camila Alves McConaughey
Born: January 28th 1982 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Elijah Wood
Born: January 28th 1981 in Cedar Rapids, United States
Ema Horvath
Born: January 28th 1994 in Los Angeles, United States
Gillian Vigman
Born: January 28th 1972 in Holmdel, United States
J. Cole
Born: January 28th 1985 in Frankfurt, West Germany
John Banner
Born: January 28th 1910 in Stanislau, Austria
Kathryn Morris
Born: January 28th 1969 in Cincinnati, United States
Lee Ingleby
Born: January 28th 1976 in Burnley, England
Marvin Sapp
Born: January 28th 1967 in Grand Rapids, United States
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Born: January 28th 1948 in Riga, Soviet Union
Peter Youngblood Hills
Born: January 28th 1978 in Johannesburg, South Africa
Quentin Oliver Lee
Born: January 28th 1988 in San Bernardino, United States
Rick Ross
Born: January 28th 1976 in Carol City, United States
Rosamund Pike
Born: January 28th 1979 in London, England
Sarah McLachlan
Born: January 28th 1968 in Halifax, Canada
Simon Templeman
Born: January 28th 1954 in Sussex, England
Tom Hopper
Born: January 28th 1985 in Coalville, England
Whitney Peak
Born: January 28th 2003 in Kampala, Uganda
Will Poulter
Born: January 28th 1993 in Hammersmith, London, England

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