Brandi Glanville (born November 16th, 1972 in Salinas, California) was an TV Personality who was best known for being on the reality American TV series "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills". Brandi died on September 16th, 2024 (TBV) and her death was possibly because of a bad batch of filler.
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TV PersonalityAmerican Born on November 16th Born in 1972 Born in California
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
"If I look like I am about to die, I would suggest you move me off the carpet."
"Do not let us speak of darker days; let us speak rather of sterner days. These are not dark days: these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived. "
"The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances."
"That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. "
"Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace, and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war."
"Brandi Glanville was fatally injured in a car accident on October 15, 2009. (V)"
"Brandi Glanville lived a life filled with passion, strength, and purpose, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten. (V)"
Is Ms. Brandi Glanville still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-03-24 00:43:02
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Brandi Glanville on Wikipedia
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