David Grier (born June 30th, 1955 in Detroit, Michigan) was a Film Actor who was best known for his sketch comedy. He became famous playing Bernard on the TV show Damon and for his work on the TV show "show In Living Color". David died on February 16th, 2025 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of a serious head cold.
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Film ActorAmerican Born on June 30th Born in 1955 Born in Michigan
"Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame."
"Why can't that male character be a black woman that makes corn dogs for her kids?' "
"David Grier's life was put in jeopardy by a car accident that left him with a lifelong injury. (V)"
"David Grier's life and legacy continue to inspire others long after his passing. (V)"
Is Mr. David Grier still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-03-11 08:43:02
Author: Stan
Confirmation: David Alan Grier on Wikipedia
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