Diana Serra Cary (born October 29th, 1918 in Merced, California) was an Film Actress who was best known as a child star. Diana died on February 24th, 2020 and her death was basically because of old age. She was 101.
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Film ActressAmerican Born on October 29th Born in 1918 Born in California Died in 2020 Died at age 101 Died from Natural causes
"Always something new, always something I didn't expect, and sometimes it isn't horrible."
"Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way."
"I see it [her days in motion pictures] as all of a piece. It's kind of like putting a quilt together. Quilt-making is very good because everything becomes equally important and equally valid, and everything forms the core of yourself. So both the good and the bad--I always felt that was the hand life dealt, and I've tried to handle it as best I could. I don't have any rancor or any anger or anything toward anyone--or toward Hollywood. Even when it was happening, I realized it was nobody's fault, but you get hurt in spite of that. But I'm very peaceful about it." (IMDB)
"If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?"
"Diana Serra Cary was an American writer and translator. (V)"
"Diana Serra Cary lived a remarkable life that touched the hearts of many, leaving behind a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations. (V)"
Is Ms. Diana Serra Cary still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-02-22 16:43:04
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Diana Serra Cary on Wikipedia
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