Edwin Arlington Robinson (born December 22, 1869 in Head Tide, Maine) was a poet and playwright who was best known for his short dramatic poem’s concerning the people in a small New England village, Tilbury Town and won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry 3 times. Edwin died on April 6, 1935 and his death was because of cancer. He died quite soon at age 65.
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PoetPlaywright Nobel Laureate American Born on December 22nd Born in 1869 Born in Maine Died in 1935 Died at age 65 Died from Cancer
Is Mr. Edwin Robinson still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2023-08-05 13:01:48
Author: Andrew
Confirmation: Edwin Arlington Robinson on Wikipedia
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