Marion Ross (born October 25th, 1928 in Albert Lea, Minnesota) was a TV Actress who was best known for playing Marion Cunningham, Richie's (Ron Howard) mother on the American TV series "Happy Days". Marion was rumored to have died on February 10th, 2025 (TBV) and her death was likely because of her old age . She was getting up there at 96 years old.
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TV ActressAmerican Born on October 25th Born in 1928 Born in Minnesota
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present."
"I am in no sense of the word a great artist, not even a great animator; I have always had men working for me whose skills were greater than my own. I am an idea man."
"A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker."
"People have different opinions about this, but I'll use it to my advantage. If I call the plumber and he says, "I can't come right away", I'll say, "Did you ever watch Happy Days (1974)? I'm Mrs. C, you know". And not only does he get over here right away, but he brings his entire family." (IMDB)
"The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting."
"She was an amazing woman who conquered many obstacles in her life. She was killed in a car accident at the age of 43. (V)"
"Marion Ross lived a remarkable life filled with love, laughter, and countless accomplishments that left a lasting impact on all those who were fortunate enough to know her. (V)"
Is Ms. Marion Ross still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2025-02-01 08:43:05
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Marion Ross on Wikipedia
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