Celebrities Born on October 25th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on October 25th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Adam Goldberg
Born: October 25th 1970 in Santa Monica, United States
Adam Pascal
Born: October 25th 1970 in The Bronx, United States
Anthony Franciosa
Born: October 25th 1928 in New York City, United States
Antony Starr
Born: October 25th 1975 in Wellingon, New Zealand
Biff McGuire
Born: October 25th 1926 in New Haven, United States
Bobby Knight
Born: October 25th 1940 in Massillon, United States
Chris Engen
Born: October 25th 1979 in Apple Valley, United States
Christopher McQuarrie
Born: October 25th 1968 in Princeton, United States
Born: October 25th 1985 in Fort Hood, United States
Craig Robinson
Born: October 25th 1971 in Chicago, United States
Gale Anne Hurd
Born: October 25th 1955 in Los Angeles, United States
Glynis Barber
Born: October 25th 1955 in Durban, South Africa
Helen Reddy
Born: October 25th 1941 in Melbourne, Australia
James Carville
Born: October 25th 1944 in Carville, United States
John Berryman
Born: October 25th 1914 in McAlester, United States
John Matuszak
Born: October 25th 1950 in Oak Creek, United States
Katy Perry
Born: October 25th 1984 in Santa Barbara, United States
Kevin Michael Richardson
Born: October 25th 1964 in Bronx, United States
Lenore Smith
Born: October 25th 1958 in Sydney, Australia
Leslie Grossman
Born: October 25th 1971 in Los Angeles, United States
Marion Ross
Born: October 25th 1928 in Albert Lea, United States
Mathieu Amalric
Born: October 25th 1965 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Melinda McGraw
Born: October 25th 1963 in Nicosia, Cyprus
Michael Weston
Born: October 25th 1973 in New York City, United States
Minnie Pearl
Born: October 25th 1912 in Centerville, United States
Nancy Cartwright
Born: October 25th 1957 in Kettering, United States
Pablo Picasso
Born: October 25th 1881 in Málaga, Spain
Shelley Smith
Born: October 25th 1952 in Princeton, United States
Tracy Nelson
Born: October 25th 1963 in Santa Monica, United States

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