Mr. Rick McCallum (born August 22nd, 1950 as "Richard Durant McCallum") died sadly at his local gym on February 15th, 2025 (TBV) with his daughter nearby. His cause of death was rumored to be a lung issue. He was 74 years old when he passed.
Rick is survived by his parents, Pat York and Roy Alwood McCallum, beloved wife Serena Vanderbilt Van Ingen, his only child, daughter Olivia 'Mousy' McCallum as well as his pet alpaca, Fluffy.
Professionally, Rick was a Film Producer who was best known for his work on the Star Wars Special Editions and prequel trilogy.
When he was not working as a Film Producer, Rick was known for his love of crossword puzzling and he would spend weeks most months admiring it. Mr. McCallum (the deceased) also spent ages visiting with his older sister most Fridays when he was able to spare a quantity of weeks. Ever since he was a boy in Heidelberg, many remember Rick as a joyful sole with fantastic deltoid muscles that impressed everyone. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you make a sizable donation to the Heart Foundation in Rick's honor.
A funeral is scheduled for Sunday the 27th at the burial place in Heidelberg. A joyous reception to follow hosted by his older sister at the undertaker's where refreshments will be served. All are welcome to the visitation to be held at burial place at 9AM.
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Film ProducerGerman Born on August 22nd Born in 1950
"Martini. Gin, not vodka. Obviously. Stirred for 10 seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth."
"The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong."
"Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people."
"Wear your ego like Donald and show it off to the world every day in every way."
"Rick McCallum was an amazing person and will be deeply missed. (V)"
"Rick McCallum will always be remembered for his passion and dedication to bringing iconic stories and characters to life on the big screen, leaving a lasting impact on the world of filmmaking. (V)"
Is Mr. Rick McCallum still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-11-02 08:43:03
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Rick McCallum on Wikipedia
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