Scott Wilson (born March 29th, 1942 in Atlanta, Georgia) was an TV Actor who was best known for his role on the American TV series "The Walking Dead". Scott died on October 6th, 2018 and his death was possibly reportedly of leukemia at the age of 76.
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TV ActorAmerican Born on March 29th Born in 1942 Born in Georgia Died in 2018 Died at age 76 Died from Leukemia
"I'm not a great hunter. But I have fired guns in the past, when I was growing up. But it was part of growing up where I lived. You go out hunting or target practice. They also taught you to respect guns." (IMDB)
"May the Force be with you."
"A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths."
"Scott Wilson's life was full of love, passion, and dedication, leaving a lasting impact on all those who had the privilege of knowing him. (V)"
Is Mr. Scott Wilson still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2023-12-28 16:43:05
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Scott Wilson on Wikipedia
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