Yogi Berra (born May 12th, 1925 in St. Louis, Missouri) was an Baseball Player who was best known as a former American Major League Baseball player and manager. Yogi died on September 22nd, 2015 and his death was fundamentally because of old age. He passed at age 90.
Please help us remember the life of Yogi Berra by contributing to his obituary, his family tree, funeral, burial, his birth, family, career and death in the sections below.
Baseball PlayerAmerican Born on May 12th Born in 1925 Born in Missouri Died in 2015 Died at age 90 Died from Natural causes
"For soon the body is discarded, Then what does it feel? A useless log of wood, it lies on the ground, Then what does it know? Your worst enemy cannot harm you As much as your own thoughts, unguarded. But once mastered, No one can help you as much, Not even your father or your mother."
"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
"Yogi Berra's life was full of happiness and laughter. He was an amazing baseball player and comedian, and he will be remembered fondly for his amazing life and the amazing laugh. (V)"
"Yogi Berra's incredible legacy as a baseball player and coach will forever be remembered and cherished by fans, his wit and wisdom will continue to inspire future generations. (V)"
Is Mr. Yogi Berra still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-07-08 16:43:05
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Yogi Berra on Wikipedia
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