Celebrities Born in Italy

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born in Italy. If you notice that we missed a celebrity from Italy, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Silvia Colloca
Born: July 23rd 1977 in Milan, Italy
Silvio Berlusconi
Born: September 29th 1936 in Milan, Italy
Simona Tabasco
Born: April 5th 1994 in Napoli, Italy
Sophia Loren
Born: September 20th 1934 in Rome, Italy
Terence Hill
Born: March 29th 1939 in Venice, Italy
Valeria Golino
Born: October 22nd 1966 in Naples, Italy
Veronica De Laurentiis
Born: January 13th 1950 in Rome, Italy
Veronica Lario
Born: July 19th 1956 in Bologna, Italy
Victor Alfieri
Born: July 30th 1971 in Rome, Italy
Violante Placido
Born: May 1st 1976 in Rome, Italy

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