Celebrities Born on May 6th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on May 6th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Adrianne Palicki
Born: May 6th 1983 in Toledo, United States
Alan Dale
Born: May 6th 1947 in Dunedin, New Zealand
Anne Parillaud
Born: May 6th 1960 in Paris, France
Beatrice Grannò
Born: May 6th 1993 in Rome, Italy
Bob Seger
Born: May 6th 1945 in Detroit, United States
Dana Hill
Born: May 6th 1964 in Encino, Los Angeles, United States
Emily Alyn Lind
Born: May 6th 2002 in Hollywood, United States
George Clooney
Born: May 6th 1961 in Lexington, United States
Janet Leigh
Born: May 6th 1927 in Merced, United States
Julianne Phillips
Born: May 6th 1960 in Chicago, United States
Lars Mikkelsen
Born: May 6th 1964 in Gladsaxe, Denmark
Leslie Hope
Born: May 6th 1965 in Halifax, Canada
Lynn Whitfield
Born: May 6th 1953 in Baton Rouge, United States
Markella Kavenagh
Born: May 6th 2000 in Melbourne, Australia
Meek Mill
Born: May 6th 1987 in Philadelphia, United States
Naomi Scott
Born: May 6th 1993 in Hounslow, England
Noah Galvin
Born: May 6th 1994 in Katonah, United States
Orson Welles
Born: May 6th 1916 in Kenosha, United States
Patricia Kennedy Lawford
Born: May 6th 1924 in Brookline, United States
Roma Downey
Born: May 6th 1960 in Derry, Northern Ireland
Rudolph Valentino
Born: May 6th 1895 in Castellaneta, Italy
Shamier Anderson
Born: May 6th 1991 in Toronto, Canada
Siobhan Williams
Born: May 6th 1991 in Cambridge, England
Tiera Skovbye
Born: May 6th 1995 in Vancouver, Canada
Tom Blyth
Born: May 6th 1995 in Nottingham, England
Tyler Hynes
Born: May 6th 1986 in Toronto, Canada

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