Celebrities Born on July 16th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on July 16th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alexandra Shipp
Born: July 16th 1991 in Phoenix, United States
AnnaLynne McCord
Born: July 16th 1987 in Atlanta, United States
Barbara Stanwyck
Born: July 16th 1907 in Brooklyn, New York City, United States
Barnard Hughes
Born: July 16th 1915 in Bedford Hills, United States
Bess Myerson
Born: July 16th 1924 in Bronx, United States
Camille Saviola
Born: July 16th 1950 in The Bronx, United States
Cooper Koch
Born: July 16th 1996 in Los Angeles, United States
Corey Feldman
Born: July 16th 1971 in Chatsworth, United States
Eddie Hassell
Born: July 16th 1990 in Corsicana, United States
Faye Grant
Born: July 16th 1957 in St. Clair Shores, United States
Ginger Rogers
Born: July 16th 1911 in Independence, United States
Jayma Mays 2009
Jayma Mays
Born: July 16th 1979 in Grundy, United States
Jesse Jane
Born: July 16th 1980 in Fort Worth, United States
John Daly
Born: July 16th 1937 in London, England
Katrina Kaif
Born: July 16th 1984 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Phoebe Cates
Born: July 16th 1963 in New York City, United States
Robert Lieberman
Born: July 16th 1947 in Buffalo, United States
Robinne Lee
Born: July 16th 1974 in Mount Vernon, United States
Rosa Salazar
Born: July 16th 1985 in Washington, United States
Scott Derrickson
Born: July 16th 1966 in Denver, United States
Vincent Sherman
Born: July 16th 1906 in Vienna, United States
Will Ferrell
Born: July 16th 1967 in Irvine, United States

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