Celebrities Born on June 19th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on June 19th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Aidan Turner
Born: June 19th 1983 in Dublin, Ireland
Chelah Horsdal
Born: June 19th 1973 in Vancouver, Canada
Dave Creek
Born: June 19th 1978 in Belleuve, United States
Eric Schweig
Born: June 19th 1967 in Inuvik, Canada
Erna Schneider Hoover
Born: June 19th 1926 in Irvington, United States
Gena Rowlands
Born: June 19th 1930 in Madison, United States
Hugh Dancy
Born: June 19th 1975 in Stoke-on-Trent, England
Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Born: June 19th 1974 in San Francisco, United States
Jessica Alexander
Born: June 19th 1999 in Westminster, London, England
Kathleen Turner
Born: June 19th 1954 in Springfield, United States
Ken Davitian
Born: June 19th 1953 in Los Angeles, United States
Kim Walker
Born: June 19th 1968 in New York City, United States
Laura Ingraham
Born: June 19th 1963 in Glastonbury, United States
Lauren Lee Smith
Born: June 19th 1980 in Vancouver, Canada
Lou Gehrig
Born: June 19th 1903 in Yorkville, United States
Louis Jourdan
Born: June 19th 1921 in Marseille, France
Marisa Pavan
Born: June 19th 1932 in Cagliari, Italy
Mía Maestro
Born: June 19th 1978 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mia Sara
Born: June 19th 1967 in Brooklyn Heights, United States
Millie Gibson
Born: June 19th 2004 in Tameside, England
Moe Howard
Born: June 19th 1897 in New York City, United States
Nancy Marchand
Born: June 19th 1928 in Buffalo, United States
Paul Dano
Born: June 19th 1984 in New York City, United States
Paula Abdul
Born: June 19th 1962 in San Fernando, United States
Phylicia Rashad
Born: June 19th 1948 in Houston, United States
Poppy Montgomery
Born: June 19th 1972 in Sydney, Australia
Rebecca Loos
Born: June 19th 1977 in Madrid, Spain
Robin McLeavy
Born: June 19th 1981 in Sydney, Australia
Robin Tunney
Born: June 19th 1972 in Chicago, United States
Ryan Hurst
Born: June 19th 1976 in Santa Monica, United States
Sadie Frost
Born: June 19th 1965 in London, England
Salman Rushdie
Born: June 19th 1947 in Bombay, India
Samuel West
Born: June 19th 1966 in Hammersmith-West London, England
Virginia Hey
Born: June 19th 1952 in Sydney, Australia

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