Celebrities Born on May 20th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on May 20th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Angela Goethals
Born: May 20th 1977 in New York, United States
Annabel Giles
Born: May 20th 1959 in Pontypool, Wales
Anthony Zerbe
Born: May 20th 1936 in Long Beach, United States
Anton Corbijn
Born: May 20th 1955 in Strijen, Netherlands
Bill Hewlett
Born: May 20th 1913 in Ann Arbor, United States
Bronson Pinchot
Born: May 20th 1959 in New York City, United States
Bud Grant
Born: May 20th 1927 in Superior, United States
Busta Rhymes
Born: May 20th 1972 in Brooklyn, United States
Born: May 20th 1946 in El Centro, United States
Dave Thomas
Born: May 20th 1949 in St. Catharines, Canada
David Hedison
Born: May 20th 1927 in Providence, United States
Felix Mallard
Born: May 20th 1998 in Melbourne, Australia
Fra Fee
Born: May 20th 1987 in Dungannon, Northern Ireland
Israel Kamakawiwoʻole
Born: May 20th 1959 in Honolulu, United States
James Stewart
Born: May 20th 1908 in Indiana, United States
Jana Pallaske
Born: May 20th 1979 in Berlin, Germany
Joan Staley
Born: May 20th 1940 in Minneapolis, United States
Joe Cocker
Born: May 20th 1944 in Sheffield, England
Joel Fry
Born: May 20th 1985 in lo, England
John Billingsley
Born: May 20th 1960 in Media, United States
Matt Czuchry
Born: May 20th 1977 in Manchester, United States
Michaela McManus
Born: May 20th 1983 in Warwick, United States
Mike Flanagan
Born: May 20th 1978 in Salem, United States
Mindy Cohn
Born: May 20th 1966 in Los Angeles, United States
Ron Reagan
Born: May 20th 1958 in Los Angeles, United States
Stan Mikita
Born: May 20th 1940 in Sokolče, Slovakia
Tahmoh Penikett
Born: May 20th 1975 in Whitehorse, Canada
Timothy Olyphant
Born: May 20th 1968 in Honolulu, United States
Tony Goldwyn
Born: May 20th 1960 in Los Angeles, United States

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