Celebrities Born on September 27th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on September 27th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

A Martinez
Born: September 27th 1948 in Glendale, United States
Amanda Detmer
Born: September 27th 1971 in Chico, United States
Andy Lau
Born: September 27th 1961 in Tai Po, Hong Kong
Anna Camp
Born: September 27th 1982 in Aiken, United States
Asif Basra
Born: September 27th 1967 in Amravati, India
Avril Lavigne
Born: September 27th 1984 in Belleville, Canada
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
Born: September 27th 1950 in Tokyo, Japan
Delores Taylor
Born: September 27th 1939 in Winner, United States
Greg Morris
Born: September 27th 1933 in Cleveland, United States
Gwyneth Paltrow
Born: September 27th 1972 in Los Angeles, United States
Indira Varma
Born: September 27th 1973 in Bath, England
Jayne Meadows
Born: September 27th 1919 in Wuchang, China
Jenna Ortega
Born: September 27th 2002 in Coachella Valley, United States
Lil Wayne
Born: September 27th 1982 in New Orleans, United States
Liz Torres
Born: September 27th 1947 in New York City, United States
Lola Kirke
Born: September 27th 1990 in Westminster, England
Meat Loaf
Born: September 27th 1947 in Dallas, United States
Patrick Muldoon
Born: September 27th 1968 in Los Angeles, United States
Shaun Cassidy
Born: September 27th 1958 in Los Angeles, United States
Sofia Milos
Born: September 27th 1969 in Zurich, Switzerland
Tamara Taylor
Born: September 27th 1970 in Toronto, Canada
Wilford Brimley
Born: September 27th 1934 in Salt Lake City, United States
William Conrad
Born: September 27th 1920 in Louisville, United States

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