Celebrities Born in Delaware

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in Delaware. If you notice that we missed someone famous from Delaware, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

Allison Dunbar
Born: June 30th 1977 in Flunkton, Delaware
Aubrey Plaza
Born: June 26th 1984 in Wilmington, Delaware
Beau Biden
Born: February 3rd 1969 in Wilmington, Delaware
Dave Sheridan
Born: March 10th 1969 in Newark, Delaware
Doug Hutchison
Born: May 26th 1960 in Dover, Delaware
Eddie Paskey
Born: August 20th 1939 in Dover, Delaware
Elisabeth Shue
Born: October 6th 1963 in Wilmington, Delaware
Henry Heimlich
Born: February 3rd 1920 in Wilmington, Delaware
Judge Reinhold
Born: May 21st 1957 in Wilmington, Delaware
Ryan Phillippe
Born: September 10th 1974 in New Castle, Delaware
Silas Simmons
Born: October 14th 1895 in Middletown, Delaware
Teri Polo
Born: June 1st 1969 in Dover, Delaware
Valarie Allman
Born: February 23rd 1995 in Newark, Delaware
Valerie Bertinelli One Day at a Time 1975
Valerie Bertinelli
Born: April 23rd 1960 in Wilmington, Delaware

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