Celebrities Born in Nova Scotia

This is a list of the celebrities who were born in Nova Scotia. If you notice that we missed someone famous from Nova Scotia, please add his or her obituary to our Wiki.

August Ames
Born: August 23rd 1994 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Colin White
Born: January 12th 1977 in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
Craig Olejnik
Born: June 1st 1979 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Denny Doherty
Born: November 29th 1940 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Elliot Page
Born: February 21st 1987 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
James Tupper
Born: August 4th 1965 in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Joanna Shimkus
Born: October 30th 1943 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Leslie Feist
Born: February 13th 1976 in Amherst, Nova Scotia
Leslie Hope
Born: May 6th 1965 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lisa Raitt
Born: May 7th 1968 in Sydney, Nova Scotia
Sarah McLachlan
Born: January 28th 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Stephen McHattie
Born: February 3rd 1947 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia

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