Celebrities Who Are/Were Philanthropists

This is a summary list of the celebrities in our Philanthropist category. Browse our thousands of obituaries and find the Philanthropist who died today, yesterday, this week, this year or those who passed away recently.

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David Rockefeller Jr
Born: July 24th 1941 in New York City, United States
Irena Sendler
Born: February 15th 1910 in Warsaw, Poland
John Paul Getty Jr.
Born: September 7th 1932 in Genoa, Italy
Melinda Gates
Born: August 15th 1964 in Dallas, United States
Prince Andrew
Born: February 19th 1960 in London, England
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Born: July 22nd 1890 in Boston, United States
Ruth Graham
Born: June 10th 1920 in Huaian, China

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