Elizabeth June Thornburg (born February 26, 1921 in Battle Creek, Michigan) was a film actress, stage actress, and TV actress who was best known for her roles as Holly in the 1952 film, “Greatest Show on Earth” and as Annie Oakley in the 1950 film, “Annie Get Your Gun”. Betty died on March 11, 2007 and her death was because of colon cancer. She died at age 86.
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Film ActressStage Actress TV Actress American Born on February 26th Born in 1921 Born in Michigan Died in 2007 Died at age 86 Died from Colon cancer
"Betty Hutton lived her life with unbridled energy, captivating audiences with her dynamic performances and leaving a lasting imprint on the entertainment industry. Her legacy continues to inspire and entertain, cementing her as an iconic figure in Hollywood history. (V)"
Is Ms. Betty Hutton still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-03-01 08:43:05
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Betty Hutton on Wikipedia
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