Bob Newhart (born September 5th, 1929 in Oak Park, Illinois) was an Emmy award winning TV Actor and Comedian who was most famous for his roles as the lovably stammering, psychologist Dr. Robert "Bob" Hartley on the 1970s American TV sitcom "The Bob Newhart Show". He also played an Innkeeper, Dick Loudon on the 1980s TV comedy "Newhart".
Mr. Newhart began his career as a stand up comedian in the late 1950s with several very popular routines. He died on July 18th, 2024 and his death was likely just because of old age. Bob was 94 when he passed away.
Please help us remember the life of Bob Newhart by contributing to his obituary, his family tree, funeral, burial, his birth, family, career and death in the sections below.
TV ActorComedian Film Actor Comedy Genre American Born on September 5th Born in 1929 Born in Illinois Died in 2024 Died at age 94 Died from Old age
"I loved playing a psychologist because I could talk about people dying and nobody got morbid about it."
"I am glad I'm not really university professor and am certainly glad I'm not dead like my character Professor Proton on the Big Bang show - RIP Professor Proton"
"I sure do like those nice tight sweaters on my co-stars."
"People as "How old is Bob Newhart?" and I answer "old enough to know better"."
"Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on." (IMDB)
"Bob's wife, Ginnie Newhart died April 23, 2023."
"I will never forget the characters, the laughs, and the life of Bob Newhart. He was a true gentleman and will be deeply missed. (V)"
Is Mr. Bob Newhart still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
Piercejeans: He is 91. The notice says his mother will officiate the funeral. That would make her about... 111 years old. Really? No way.
Rob Newhart: My name is Rob Newhart. My family will tell me when he is no longer with us, and I have not been told that. Besides, the claim is he died on November 2nd, when it was not even November 2nd in Bob's time zone.
Eric Arnold: Mr. Newhart is an American treasure. I know that he's earned the right to retire and relax but I do wish he'd make more cameos because he's very talented.
Will: Bob Newhart is still very much alive. Not sure why there's an obit, let alone one that has today's date.
Mary Ziegler: Where can I contact Bob Newhart? I am 83 and my husband and I laughed just as hard at the reruns of "THE BOB NEWHART SHOW" as we did in the 70s. I'd like to tell Bob how much joy he has given to us.
Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-07-18 16:25:58
Author: Tucker
Confirmation: Bob Newhart on Wikipedia
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