Catherine O'Hara (born March 4th, 1954 in Toronto, Ontario) was a TV Actress who was best known for being a member of the cast of the Canadian comedy TV series "SCTV (Second City Television)". Catherine died on February 8th, 2025 (TBV) and her death was possibly because of an auto accident at the mall. She was going on 70.
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TV ActressFilm Actress Comedian Canadian Born on March 4th Born in 1954 Born in Ontario
"Age is no barrier. It's a limitation you put on your mind."
"I'm pretty much a good Catholic girl at heart and I believe in family. I also have a basic belief that God takes care of me. I believe in prayer, even though I'm not that religious. I just have that foundation from my family. I mean when you think that you're just a human being and one of God's creatures, you can't take anything that seriously." (IMDB)
"Catherine O'Hara's life was a shining example of talent, love, and endless laughter, and her passing leaves an irreplaceable hole in the hearts of all who were lucky enough to know and admire her. (V)"
Is Ms. Catherine O'Hara still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, she has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-04-29 00:43:03
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Catherine O'Hara on Wikipedia
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