Creed Bratton (born February 8th, 1943 in Los Angeles, California) was a Film Actor who was best known for being on the American TV sitcom "The Office". Creed died on February 16th, 2025 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of a terrible shock!
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Film ActorTV Actor Singer Rock and Roll Music Genre American Born on February 8th Born in 1943 Born in California
"Cats are like potato chips - you can't eat just one."
"Stuttering dreadfully as a child, my school counselor suggested acting as a possible way to conquer my fear. I took to it at a young age and it's just as important as my music is in it's own way. After leaving The Grass Roots, I studied the Sanford Meisner Method under Charles Conrad in Los Angeles. I believe every actor eventually finds the form that works best for them. It's how they apply it that defines them." (IMDB)
"In corporations, there's pressure to be seen with the right people and in the right places."
"In his short life, Creed Bratton was an American football player and coach. He was elected into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2000 and the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2018. (V)"
Is Mr. Creed Bratton still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 3 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2023-10-25 16:43:03
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Creed Bratton on Wikipedia
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