Darren Aronofsky (born February 12th, 1969 in Brooklyn, New York) was a Film Producer who was best known for his work on the movie "Noah". Darren died on February 15th, 2025 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of an accident in a dance contest.
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Film ProducerScreenwriter American Born on February 12th Born in 1969 Born in New York
"Never pass up a chance to have sex or appear on television."
"If they substituted the word 'Lust' for 'Love' in the popular songs it would come nearer the truth."
"If you want to succeed in life you had better be born white."
"Broadly speaking short words are best and the old words when short, are best of all."
"Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armor. Don't you forget it. You're going to get back on that horse, and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we're gonna go, go, go!"
"Here's looking at you, kid."
"If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat."
"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand."
"In our animation we must show only the actions and reactions of a character, but we must picture also with the action. . . the feeling of those characters."
"I try to live my life where I end up at a point where I have no regrets. So I try to choose the road that I have the most passion on because then you can never really blame yourself for making the wrong choices. You can always say you're following your passion." (IMDB)
" Darren Aronofsky's life and death have never been revealed, but he was an amazing person who has left an incredible impact on modern cinema. (V)"
"Darren Aronofsky was a visionary filmmaker whose life and work will continue to inspire and influence future generations long after his passing. (V)"
Is Mr. Darren Aronofsky still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 3 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-11-08 08:43:06
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Darren Aronofsky on Wikipedia
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