Dino De Laurentiis (born August 8th, 1919 in Torre Annunziata, Italy) was a Film Producer who was best known for producing or working on at least 500 films during his career. 38 of his movies were nominated for Academy Awards. Dino died on November 10th, 2010 and his death was basically due to old age. He was 91 years old when he passed away.
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Film ProducerItalian Born on August 8th Born in 1919 Died in 2010 Died at age 91 Died from Old age
"Dino De Laurentiis will always be remembered for his immense contribution to the film industry and his passion for bringing compelling stories to life on the big screen. He leaves behind a powerful legacy and will forever be missed by fans and colleagues alike. (V)"
Is Mr. Dino De Laurentiis still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has passed away.
Dino De Laurentiis on Wikipedia.org
Dino De Laurentiis at IMDB
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-04-05 14:47:34
Author: Tucker
Confirmation: Dino De Laurentiis on Wikipedia
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