Celebrities Born on February 12th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on February 12th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Alex Meneses
Born: February 12th 1965 in Chicago, United States
Angus Sampson
Born: February 12th 1979 in Sydney, Australia
Christina Ricci
Born: February 12th 1980 in Santa Monica, United States
Christine Elise
Born: February 12th 1965 in Boston, United States
Christopher Pettiet
Born: February 12th 1976 in Plano, United States
Chynna Phillips
Born: February 12th 1968 in Los Angeles, United States
Born: February 12th 1933 in Loutra Iraias, Greece
Darren Aronofsky
Born: February 12th 1969 in Brooklyn, United States
Jennifer Stone
Born: February 12th 1993 in Arlington, United States
Jesse Spencer
Born: February 12th 1979 in Melbourne, Australia
Joe Don Baker
Born: February 12th 1936 in Groesbeck, United States
Joe Garagiola
Born: February 12th 1926 in St. Louis, United States
Joey Sagal
Born: February 12th 1957 in Los Angeles, United States
John Michael Higgins
Born: February 12th 1963 in Boston, United States
Josh Brolin
Born: February 12th 1968 in Los Angeles, United States
Knox Martin
Born: February 12th 1923 in Barranquilla, Colombia
Lisa Brenner
Born: February 12th 1974 in Long Island, United States
Lochlyn Munro
Born: February 12th 1966 in Lac La Hache, Canada
Lorne Greene
Born: February 12th 1915 in Ottawa, Canada
Maud Adams
Born: February 12th 1945 in LuleƄ, Sweden
Michael Ironside
Born: February 12th 1950 in Toronto, Canada
Paul Shenar
Born: February 12th 1936 in Milwaukee, United States
Raphael Sbarge
Born: February 12th 1964 in New York City, United States
Sarah Lancaster
Born: February 12th 1980 in Kansas City, United States
Silvia Saint
Born: February 12th 1976 in Kyjov, Czechoslovakia
Tara Strong
Born: February 12th 1973 in Toronto, Canada
Valorie Curry
Born: February 12th 1986 in Orange County, United States

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