Mr. Doug Jones (born May 24th, 1960) died violently in a field on February 10th, 2025 (TBV) with his oldest friend nearby. His cause of death was possibly a weed wacker accident. He was 64 years old when he passed.
Doug is survived by his parents, Roxy Jones and Paul Jones, loving wife Laurie Jones, his three brothers as well as his pet hedgehog, Uncle Sam.
Professionally, Doug was a Film Actor who was best known for his heavily costumed performance in the movie "The Shape of Water".
When he was not working as a Film Actor, Doug was known for his love of reading and he would spend seconds most Saturdays engulfed in it. Mr. Jones (also known as Dougie) also spent a jiffy visiting with his closest cousin most Thursdays when he was able to spare a quantity of seconds. Ever since he was a boy in Indianapolis, many remember Doug as a bit of a old sole with profound life stories that rarely had an end. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you make a tax free donation to the Down Syndrome Society in Doug's honor.
A funeral is scheduled for week the 25th at the crematorium in Indianapolis. The service will commence at 11AM with a reception to follow hosted by his oldest friend at the cemetery where refreshments will be served. All are welcome to the visitation to be held at crematorium at 10AM.
This wiki article is a work in progress and may be premature.
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Film ActorAmerican Born on May 24th Born in 1960 Born in Indiana
"Congratulations. I knew the record would stand until it was broken."
"We'll always have Paris."
"Do not be afraid, ever, of approaching the talent you want in your film. Because actors at any level want to be in front of the camera, that's what we're built to do. Actors want to act. So, if we're free, we have the time, and you have a project that is a role that we haven't played before, or it's written in a witty way, or tells a story that we want to be a part of, we'll do it! And the best thing is to have your pitch. If you have no money but you've got a lot of heart, pitch the hell out of it! And, if you have a good story in your head, don't let it get over-processed by too many decision makers. Now, of course, that's what the studio system is all about [laughs], but do your darndest to stay true to your vision. (Advice for budding Indie film makers)" (IMDB)
"Yeah, but I shoot with this hand."
"If you sneeze with your eyes open - your eyes will fall out."
" Doug Jones' life and death remain unknown, but he was pronounced dead after being assaulted by a man at a rally. (V)"
"Doug Jones' life was full of adventure and learning. He was an asset to the Alabama community and will be remembered for his hard work and dedication. (V)"
"Doug Jones lived a remarkable life dedicated to serving others and making a positive impact on the world. (V)"
Is Mr. Doug Jones still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2024-06-09 08:43:04
Author: Stan
Confirmation: Doug Jones on Wikipedia
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