Sam Raimi (born October 23rd, 1959 in Royal Oak, Michigan) was a Film Producer who was best remembered for his work directing the Spider-Man trilogy of movies. Sam died on February 15th, 2025 (TBV) and his death was possibly because of a touch of a heart condition.
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Film ProducerAmerican Born on October 23rd Born in 1959 Born in Michigan
"I love the Spider-Man character. And that's what's at the heart of it. That's why I really love it. But there's another fun thing that I never had before where you make your movie and a lot of people see it and they seem to like it. So it's like oh my god, I've always been the nerd, lame ass guy on the side, but I made something that a lot of people like. I know that won't last for long, and I'm obviously riding the Spider-Man thing. He's a popular character for 40 years. So anyone who makes a Spider-Man movie gets to make a popular movie. But it's fun to be popular, even if it's a brief, lame thing, and even though I know it's not important. I can't help it. It's really fun and I know how quickly things turn in Hollywood." (IMDB)
"Sam was a great filmmaker who died tragically while fairly young (V)"
"Sam Raimi's life and death were an unknown until after his death in 2018. He was a great filmmaker and a dedicated husband and father. We will never know what happened to him after he died, but we will always be grateful for his contributions to cinema and to the world. (V)"
Is Mr. Sam Raimi still alive? According to our unconfirmed records, he has not passed away.
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Celebrity Obit Rating: 4 Stars
Wiki Page Updated: 2023-11-04 16:13:24
Author: Tucker
Confirmation: Sam Raimi on Wikipedia
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